my hairs falling out. i guess i dyed it one to many times. i bleached it again on thursday and the bleach chemicallt burned my scalp. and everythime i wud touch it wud come out in hand fulls. i lost so much hair. and like 4 or 5 inches in length. its better then before. but its still coming out. its alot thinner. hopefully it stop or gets better or its time to buy a nice wig.
it was raining real hard the other day. there was a storm. i had to walk home. when i came to my street it was flooded i was up to me knees in water and there was no dry spot. it looked like a shallow river. it was garbage day and there were empty garbage can floating along it. and then my umberlla turned upside down and broke. i usually really like then rain i think its romantic. but this was pretty scary.
my best friend was supposed to come stay with me on sunday. but she has swine flu. everybody seems to have swine flu. wat is our world coming to. an end thats wat. but anyways she seys shell come on the 21st. well see i dont wnt to get my hopes up.
i love this blog. seriously. if you make it out ot nyc, holler.